
Program coordinator the Zigbee router

Program coordinator the Zigbee router

Videos explaining how to configure the cc2531 in Zigbee2mqtt

This is one of the most important tutorials for Home Assistant / Hassio, since thanks to this, we will be able to integrate hundreds of devices into our system.

Materials needed to program a Zigbee coordinator or router:
el CC2531 ( BUY NOW )
the CC2530 ( BUY NOW)

CC2530 + CC2591 (with amplification module and external antenna) ( BUY NOW )

and the CC2540 bridge (BUY NOW) essential to connect the Debugger to the CC2531
Additionally, if we will use the CC2530 or CC2530 + CC2591 as coordinator, we will need to connect an FTDI adapter to our Raspberry or PC that is equipped with the CP2102 module ( BUY NOW the 5-pin red one)


From this link, you can download the various updated firmware

2 comments for “Program coordinator the Zigbee router"

  1. Pingback: Configure Zigbee in Hassio / Home Assistant- Domótica Económica

  2. Pingback: Sonoff BASICZBR3 - Zigbee - Domótica Económica

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